iLux® is an innovative, in-office treatment for meibomian gland dysfunction that helps patients overcome many frustrating Dry Eye symptoms and enjoy improved quality of life.
iLux® utilizes cutting edge LED-based technology to warm the inner and outer surface of the eyelids where the meibomian glands are found. By heating the glands with LED lights and using soft, silicone eyelid pads, any clumped waxy secretions of oil are broken down so that we can use gentle compression to express the glands, releasing the oils.
The entire treatment can be completed in a lunchbreak and there is no downtime. Patients should start to notice an improvement in their symptoms the same day, and the results should become optimal within a few days or weeks. You may be advised to continue to use warm compresses and to massage your eyelids daily following your iLux® treatment, as this will help to sustain the results and ensure minimal risk of further blockages forming.