Call 2537800700 for a same day Emergency Appointment
We always have a triage technician available for telemedicine consultations and scheduling emergency visits. Call our office to speak with a technician who will help you determine how to proceed. If you have a serious or life-threatening eye emergency, please call 911 or proceed to an emergency room. If calling after hours or on a weekend, a technician will call you back within 15 minutes, otherwise proceed to the nearest emergency room for evaluation.
Medical and emergency visits are different than your routine vision plan. Eye pain usually means medical, so your medical insurance will often be billed. You may not even need a referral; call us at 2537800700 and we will help you get the care you need.
We Have Time to Care
Call us if you think you may have any of the following: a scratch or abrasion, foreign body (including, wood and metal), or if you experience acute symptoms including redness, pain, new floaters, flashes of light, or sudden vision loss. Most of the time if you go to the ER you will spend hours waiting. Or if you get lucky you can see your primary care physician a day or two later. At East Main Vision Clinic, We Have Time to Care. With a call to our office, these conditions can often be effectively evaluated and treated the SAME DAY. Call Now 2537800700.