Diabetic Eye Evaluations

If you have Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes, you should have a dilated diabetic eye evaluation at least once every year. In cases where diabetic eye disease is present, you may need to be seen more often for specific eye testing.
Diabetes is a disease that affects nearly every system in the body. But did you know that diabetic eye disease is one of the leading causes of new onset blindness in working-age adults? As your eye care provider, we are taking a stand to help you prevent vision loss and preserve your healthy eyes and vision.
The best way to prevent diabetic eye disease is by maintaining good blood sugar levels. But it is also important to keep other health conditions well-controlled; monitor your blood pressure and cholesterol and take medications as prescribed by your primary physician.
As a part of your diabetic care team, we will communicate with your physicians about your eye health by sending diabetic eye reports to your primary care doctor or endocrinologist.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: If I have diabetes, don’t I have to see an Ophthalmologist?
A: No. Diabetic patients can have their yearly eye examination performed by an Optometrist like Dr. Day, or by an Ophthalmologist. Unless you have a condition known as Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy (underdeveloped blood vessels in the back of your eye that leak blood and cause vision loss), Dr. Day is more than qualified to provide your care. If he finds that you have PDR, he will promptly refer you to a Retinal Specialist for treatment.
Q: If I must be dilated anyway, why should I elect to have digital images taken?
A: The Digital Eye Scan provides a high-quality image of the retina, which includes the macula, optic nerve, and blood vessels. It helps us accurately detect changes to these tissues by providing a year over year comparison rather than relying only on written notes.