Written by East Main Vision Clinic team members especially for you, our valued patients!
At What Age Should a Child Have a Vision Test?
August 11, 2022
Vision is fundamental to every child’s development. Without good eyesight, they may miss some key milestones they need to achieve; however, children adapt very easily making it difficult to spot and many parents may not be aware of their visual needs.
Should I Consider Daily Contacts for the Summer?
July 18, 2022
During the summer months, most people tend to spend more time outdoors, plan more travel, take family vacations and be on-the-go for much longer than cold, dark fall and winter days. Sometimes, that can be hard for people who wear contact lenses, increased wind, sun exposure, and sand are the usual culprits if your eyes look tired, irritated, and red by the end of the day.
What Is the Difference Between Polarized and UV Sunglasses?
June 27, 2022
Not all shades are created equal, let’s review the two basics when it comes to choosing a sunglass. Polarized or UV-blocking often come paired together so easy to see why there may be some confusion, each one interacts with light differently.
5 Questions to Ask Your Optometrist Regarding MiSight®
June 27, 2022
MiSight® is a contact lens approved by the FDA for myopia treatment. Your eye doctor may recommend these contacts if your child is diagnosed with myopia. They are revolutionary and control the progression of the condition in children.
5 Reasons Why You May Have Itchy Eyes
May 26, 2022
Well, it’s here, the time of year we see a yellow cover over our cars, white puffy seeds floating by in the wind, and itchy eyes and noses! While spring brings the fresh flowers, rain, and other wonderful changes, if you suffer from allergies, you probably want to hide away right now.
How to Protect Your Eyes From UV Rays
May 13, 2022
Summer will be here soon, and all that sunshine is excellent for Vitamin D levels but there are other cautions to be had while spending hours outdoors. As you enjoy the sunrays, it is essential to prioritize eye safety. Too much exposure to the harmful rays can result in short or long-term impact on your eyes. For this reason, protecting your eyes is imperative.
Prism Glasses, What’s The Excitement?
May 10, 2022
In our comprehensive ocular examination at East Main Vision Clinic, we assess for this in a new and revolutionary way. We have the Neurolens technology that evaluates your eye alignment at distance and at near, the instrument will give us a value, that we incorporate into your new glasses. The result? It will reduce any misalignment your eyes may have!
When to Wear Safety Eyewear?
April 27, 2022
Wearing safety eyewear should be routine, given it is the best way to stay safe from eye injuries. April is National Sports Eye Safety Month, and we will review the importance of safety eyewear in sports as well as home and the workplace. It is necessary to wear safety eyewear when there is any risk of a face or eye injury.
Literacy and Children’s Vision
April 21, 2022
As an avid reader from a very young age, the library was always one of my favorite adventure outings! Books and the ability to read take you outside the day to day and light up the imaginary mind. Now that I am in my current job skill, I am passionate about pediatric eye exams. I recently saw that World Book Day was around the corner and wondered what it would be like to be unable to join the literacy world due to vision issues.
How Do MiSight® Contacts Work?
April 20, 2022
Did you know that MiSight® contacts can slow down the rate of myopia progression by about 50 percent? If your child is diagnosed with myopia, during your visit at East Main Vision Clinic, your child may be recommended MiSight contact lenses as a groundbreaking solution to controlling myopia progression.