February 17, 2022

Well, I am excited, winter is waning, and views of spring are all around. My favorite season is summer, everyday it gets closer.
Today, I want to talk about your eyes (big surprise), but specifically how our eyes age. We all know someone, either ourselves or a loved on who at around 40 feels like their eyes don’t focus as quickly or gets headaches at the end of the workday. Your arm seems to be stretching further from your face! I tell patients that as time marches on, our eyes no longer have the focusing ability they once did, and this process starts in our late 30’s and continues to degrade until mid-fifties, yikes that’s no fun to think about! Unfortunately, I am seeing the problem of decreased near vision in younger and younger patients due to high use of computer screen time and devices.
Thankfully we have many great options to help this process, of course glasses and contacts are always the mainstay, but we now have a new eye drop to add to the arsenal. Approved by the FDA to help our eyes focus and see up close.
No one likes to think about needing help to read, or answer a text, and always looking for your reading glasses! We now are offering in the clinic, Vuity from Allergan. The drop has been in development for many years but is now widely available to the public.
It all sounds so science fiction or something you’d see on an old episode of Star Trek, but it is available and has many benefits, it is an exciting alternative to what we are prescribing now! Dosed once daily in the morning, the drop is instilled and lasts about 6-8 hours.
If you are interested, come see me at East Main Vision Clinic and I would love to explain more in detail, and how it would benefit you personally. All we need is a current comprehensive eye exam. Give us a call and let’s see if it is right for you.
Happy soon to be summer,
Joseph D. Day, O.D.