Is Dyslexia Impacting Your Child's Vision and Learning?

Is Dyslexia Impacting Your Child's Vision and Learning?

Is Dyslexia Impacting Your Child's Vision and Learning?

Is Dyslexia Impacting Your Child's Vision and Learning?

Is Dyslexia Impacting Your Child's Vision and Learning?

March 18, 2025

Dyslexia is often thought of as a reading disorder, but many children with dyslexia also experience visual challenges that make reading and learning even more difficult. While dyslexia is a neurological condition affecting language processing, it can sometimes be compounded by functional vision issues that affect eye tracking, focus, and coordination. Understanding the role of vision in your child’s reading struggles is crucial in finding the right solutions to help them succeed.

The Link Between Vision and Dyslexia

Children with dyslexia may struggle with reversing letters, skipping words, or losing their place while reading. While these difficulties are commonly associated with language processing, they can also be signs of functional vision problems.

Functional vision refers to how well the eyes work together to process visual information. Even if a child has 20/20 eyesight, they may have difficulties with:

  • Eye tracking: The ability to follow a line of text smoothly without skipping words.

  • Eye teaming: The ability of both eyes to work together to focus on words.

  • Visual processing speed: The brain’s ability to interpret and understand what the eyes see in real time.

  • Convergence insufficiency: Difficulty keeping both eyes focused on a near object, like words on a page.

These visual deficits can make reading and learning significantly harder, often mimicking or exacerbating dyslexia symptoms.

The Importance of a Functional Vision Evaluation

Because standard eye exams primarily check for clarity of vision (20/20 eyesight), they may not detect the underlying visual challenges affecting a child’s reading ability. A functional vision evaluation goes beyond a basic eye exam to assess eye tracking, teaming, focusing, and visual processing.

At East Main Vision Clinic, we specialize in evaluating and diagnosing functional vision problems that may be contributing to a child’s reading difficulties. Our comprehensive assessment helps determine whether visual dysfunction is playing a role in their struggles and if vision therapy could help improve their reading performance and overall learning experience.

How Vision Therapy Can Help

If a functional vision issue is detected, vision therapy may be recommended to strengthen and improve eye coordination, tracking, and visual processing skills. Vision therapy is a structured program of targeted eye exercises designed to train the brain and eyes to work together more efficiently.

Through guided sessions, children can develop stronger visual skills, which may lead to:

  • Improved reading fluency and comprehension

  • Less eye strain and fatigue while reading

  • Better attention and focus in the classroom

  • Greater confidence in academic performance

Vision therapy does not “cure” dyslexia, but it can alleviate many of the visual obstacles that make reading and learning harder for children with dyslexia. When combined with educational strategies for language processing, vision therapy can be a valuable tool in a child’s overall support system.

Take the Next Step for Your Child’s Success

If your child struggles with reading, reverses letters frequently, or complains of eye strain, a functional vision evaluation may provide the missing piece of the puzzle. 

Schedule a functional vision evaluation with East Main Vision Clinic to take the first step in unlocking your child’s full learning potential. Visit our office in Puyallup, Washington, or call (253) 780-0700 to book an appointment today.

East Main Vision Clinic