Do Not Rub Your Itchy Eyes! Here's Why

Do Not Rub Your Itchy Eyes! Here's Why

Do Not Rub Your Itchy Eyes! Here's Why

Do Not Rub Your Itchy Eyes! Here's Why

Do Not Rub Your Itchy Eyes! Here's Why

September 30, 2024

Itchy eyes can be a frustrating and disruptive condition that affects your daily life. Whether it's due to environmental factors, allergies, or an underlying health condition, ignoring the problem and continuously rubbing your eyes can lead to serious complications. 

Common Causes of Itchy Eyes

Itchy eyes can be caused by a variety of factors, including:

  • Allergies: Seasonal allergies or allergic reactions to certain substances, such as pollen, dust, or pet dander, can trigger an inflammatory response in the eyes, leading to itchiness.

  • Dry Eyes: When your eyes don't produce enough tears or the tears evaporate too quickly, it can cause a feeling of dryness and irritation, which can lead to itchiness.

  • Blepharitis: This is a condition where the eyelids become inflamed, often due to a bacterial or fungal infection, resulting in itchy, red, and swollen eyes.

  • Eye Infections: Bacterial or viral infections, such as conjunctivitis (pink eye), can cause the eyes to become itchy, red, and irritated.

  • Contact Lens Irritation: Wearing contact lenses for too long or not properly cleaning them can cause the eyes to become irritated and itchy.

Risks and Complications of Rubbing Your Eyes

Rubbing your itchy eyes may seem like a harmless act, but it can lead to several risks and complications. When you rub your eyes, especially with unwashed hands, you can introduce harmful bacteria or allergens that increase the risk of eye infections. 

Additionally, excessive or vigorous rubbing can cause damage to the cornea, potentially leading to corneal abrasions or even worsening existing eye conditions like keratoconus, a progressive thinning of the cornea. Rubbing can also burst tiny blood vessels, causing redness or irritation. Over time, this habit can weaken the structure of the eyes and increase the risk of more serious complications, such as retinal detachment.

Why it is Essential to See an Eye Doctor

To effectively treat your itchy eyes, it's crucial to identify the underlying cause. Trying to self-diagnose and treat the problem can lead to further complications and may not address the root issue. Seeking professional help from an eye care specialist is essential for proper diagnosis and personalized treatment plan. During the examination, your eye doctor will:

  • Conduct a comprehensive eye exam to assess the condition of your eyes

  • Ask detailed questions about your symptoms, medical history, and lifestyle factors

  • Perform specialized tests to pinpoint the cause of your itchy eyes

With this information, your doctor can develop a tailored treatment plan to address the specific needs of your eyes and provide effective relief.

Treatment Options for Itchy Eyes

Treatment options for itchy eyes depend on the underlying cause, which may range from allergies to dry eyes or infections. For mild cases caused by allergens, over-the-counter antihistamine eye drops, or oral medications can provide relief. Cold compresses can help soothe itching and reduce inflammation. 

In cases of dry eyes, treatments like artificial tears or prescription eye drops are effective for replenishing moisture and alleviating discomfort. Advanced dry eye treatments include procedures like OptiLight IPL, which targets meibomian gland dysfunction, and LipiFlow, which uses thermal heat to improve oil flow in the tear film. BlephEx is another in-office treatment designed to gently exfoliate and remove debris, bacteria, and biofilm from the eyelids, helping to manage conditions like blepharitis and improve overall eye health. Your doctor will help you choose the right treatment to address the underlying cause of your condition and improve your overall eye health.

Seeking Proper Treatment for Itchy Eyes with East Main Vision Clinic

Itchy eyes can be a frustrating and disruptive condition, but it's important to resist the urge to rub them. Rubbing your eyes can lead to further irritation, damage, and even vision problems. Instead, seek professional help from an eye care specialist to identify the underlying cause and develop a personalized treatment plan. By taking proactive steps to address your itchy eyes, you can find relief, protect your vision, and maintain the health of your delicate eyes.

If you're experiencing persistent or severely itchy eyes, schedule an eye evaluation with East Main Vision Clinic. We will provide a comprehensive evaluation, diagnose the underlying cause, and develop a customized treatment plan to help you find lasting relief. Visit our office in Puyallup, Washington, or call (253) 780-0700 to book an appointment today.

East Main Vision Clinic