July 15, 2021

Three years ago, we made the decision to become a truly Independent Practice by ending our contract with discount vision plans and providing eyecare services as an out-of-network provider. While this decision was very difficult, the benefits have proven to be monumentally worthwhile. Now that we are truly independent, we can fully deliver on our promises. Now we have more time to care.
While some of our patients have found in-network eye care providers, the vast majority of you have stayed (or returned) and for that, we are eternally grateful. Here are some of the benefits that have occurred as a result of ending our contracts with discount vision plans:
Using our own lens laboratory of choice has reduced lab errors and remakes, improved quality, and improved the customer experience
With fewer errors, we can now offer faster turnaround time on glasses
We are not limited to offering certain products, which means we can offer technology such as Neurolenses, which have provided dramatic relief of double vision, headaches, and eyestrain
No matter which vision plan you have, you and your plan are welcome in our office.
We are able to process your out-of-network benefits without being contracted with vision plans. We provide you with an estimate of your out-of-pocket cost before any services are rendered so you can make an informed decision about using your plan benefits.
There is a difference between Medical Insurance and Discount Vision Plans. We are in-network with most major medical insurance plans. If you are seen for a medical eye problem, in most cases, we are able to bill your medical insurance. You may be responsible for co-pays, co-insurance, and/or deductibles.
Our brand is our service. It is simply the level of care we insist on providing. The past three years have taught us that no one can put a price on quality eye and health care.
We look forward to continuing to serve you and your family’s eye care needs for many years to come.
Please give us a call at (253) 780-0700 and we would be happy to review your plan details with you.
Dr. Joseph Day